
Stefan, most memorably, taught us how to create a gunshot sound effect using a piece of paper, a skill that, as you can imagine, we have heard a lot of over the days that followed. He showed us how to reimagine an audio drama for the stage through the use of spot techniques and audience involvement.

Casey and Alexis took us through their work within community theatre. Alexis talked through her projects such as working with communities in Nigeria and making audio dramas with 8 year olds. Casey spoke about their work in Youth Theatre in Ireland and with the Transmission project with International Arts last year.

Mihail discusses making audio drama under democratic regimes. The presentation about the power of audio drama to send subversive messages in the time of censorship, especially how tapes would be tampered with and no original copy would be preserved. Delivered with humour and engagement with Alex as a translator, producing an amusing and titillating double act effect.

David gave us a brilliant guide at the beginning of week one on his work in sound design. He explained the different types of kit that is available in terms of the more basic side of things and the top tier professional gear. This gave the participants and introduction to zoom microphones which has been insurmountably useful to their recording process as the project has progressed.