The Partners

Lead Partner: International Arts and Communications


International Arts and Communications (IAC) is a creative cultural company focusing on live and recorded artistic performance and events.

We make theatre, virtual reality creations and experiments in audio drama as well as create and R+D opportunities for artists and technologists.

We work with a team of writers, performers, designers producers, XR designers and composers to create fresh, award-winning work blending thrilling audio, hi-tech innovation, edgy writing and strong physical intuition.

Many of our works are created by combining the talent of experienced professionals with the imagination of young people from the ages of 8-18.

We are interested in pushing ‘technology meets arts’ boundaries and taking the best from both disciplines.

Funded by the European Union

The Culture strand of the Creative Europe programme supports a wide range of cultural and creative sectors including among others

  • architecture
  • cultural heritage
  • design
  • literature and publishing
  • music
  • performing arts

We founded the Subjective Values Foundation in 2002


Our main goal is to provide opportunities for young people to realize their creative ideas, and to implement projects emphasizing cultural diversity with them. We also aim to support the education of young people from underprivileged backgrounds, to promote their social inclusion, to address conflicts arising from social inequalities, to create a sustainable society, and to promote the European ideals in Hungary.”

Project Lead:

Mediterranean University of Albania

Project Lead: Elton Skendaj


Georgian Public Broadcaster

Project Lead: Elene Gabashvili

Profi Ukraine

Kateryna Dashko

Liliia Gomolskaya:


Association Hoinart

Project Lead: Raluca Grumazescu

Association Hoinart Logo

University of Tuscia

Project Lead: Alessandro Boccolini

University of Tuscia Logo